Tuesday, December 17, 2013

December Photos

So you want to know what my mom has been putting me through this month....  Have a look:

 This scarf says "I was NAUGHTY, and it was SO worth it".  Santa knows I'm not THAT naughty...
 Dad thinks this should have been our Christmas card photo
Mom liked this one, good thing it wasn't a real fireplace or my backside would have been real toasty.
 Oh the HUMILIATION this woman puts me through...And she does it in public for all to see!!
I did manage to convince mom to hop up on the bench with me for a quick photo.  Maybe I should have put the antlers on her.

Hope your staying warm this month.  Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS.

Monday, December 2, 2013

October / November Happenings

Wow - where has the time gone!!  Can you believe it's been 2 months since I last visited with you?
Well where to begin...  I am still going on outings with mom and dad, (the farmer's market, grocery stores, restaurants, malls, etc.).  I graduated from the Dog Good Citizenship Class, (of course - I told mom I would ACE it).  But most importantly something BIG has happened in my life!!!   Mom and dad had a vacation scheduled for the last 2 weeks of October.  I was going to stay with my puppy sitters Charlene and Alan - they live way up in the east foothills in the large luxury mansion and have 2 Canine Companion for Independence dogs that have been released from the program, (Stacy and Belize).  I love visiting and playing with Stacy and Belize, (we run, jump and have all kinds of fun).  I was so looking forward to my 12 days living with them.  BUT, on the 2nd day I starting changing and came "in heat".  Yup, I am now a "woman".  And I couldn't stay with Stacy and Belize anymore.  Instead I had to go to Amor Animal Hospital and be kenneled for the next 21 days.  I was so lonely  I was there exactly 1 week and mom and dad showed up to visit me and exercise me and every week mom came to see me with treats and to exercise me, brush my teeth, clean my ears, brush my fur and give me lots of hugs.  She always told me that she loved me and it would soon be over and I could come home and that everyone, (even the cat), missed me.

 I didn't get released until November 12th.  Mom said that I was a lot more calmer.  Dad said that 3 weeks of solitary confinement will do that to any woman.    I was so glad to come home, even though I couldn't remember some of my commands every well.  On November 15th, mom and dad, Rowdy and I drove down to Kanab, Utah so that mom and dad could volunteer on Saturday and Sunday at the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary.  I was so hoping to get to go with them, so I could play with the puppies and kittens.  But NO!!  They made me and Rowdy stay back at the condo in the crate.  But they took us for nice long walks every morning and evening and it sure was beautiful in the red rock country.  On Thanksgiving Day, Rowdy and I went with mom and dad down to Springville to celebrate turkey day with their friends, (Neil and Karen).  We like Neil and Karen - they have 2 dogs, (Sofie and Max - but sometimes Max growls at us, cause he's old.)  We all got to out out back in their big fenced back yard and run and play, and their dogs have lots of stuffed animals that I can shake and run with.  It is great.

 But one thing that still hasn't changed, no matter how big I get - I still like to climb into mom's lap and snuggle just like I did when I was a little puppy.  Only now I'm a big dog, (who weighs 56 pounds).
Sometimes I like to just sit beside mom and she hugs me and tells me that she loves me.  When she's not expecting it, I give her a quick kiss on the ear.  She just laughs and says, "thank you for the kiss".  I know it makes her happy when I kiss her.  She told me the other day that next August it's going to be hard to tell me good-bye when I go back to CCI and she's going to miss me a lot.

Hope your turkey was delicious and your getting your Christmas shopping done, it's coming up fast.

So - until next time remember, don't lick and keep those tails waggin'

Monday, September 23, 2013

Latest Happenings

I know I haven't written for a while, so I thought I'd bring everyone up to speed on what's been happening with me....

 Well, about 6 weeks ago, (the middle of August), I got pretty sick.  I got a bad case of diarrhea starting on Monday afternoon, (August 11th).  At first mom thought it was because I was eating some of the green beans that she was canning, (without them being washed - boy were they yummy).  But then she remembered that Rowdy also ate them and she was OK.  On Tuesday, I was getting worse, and mom thought well maybe I got into the stream in the backyard and drank some of the secondary water from Utah Lake, (that's pretty nasty stuff!!).  By Wednesday I was in pretty bad shape.  I was going to the bathroom every couple of hours and it was just water.  But, I was still eating and drinking good.  So mom call the vet and made an appointment for me early Thursday morning.  The vet checked me over from front to back, top to bottom.  He said that most likely I had a case of girardia, (he said he sees it regularly in this area, since everyone waters their landscape with secondary water and puppies always eat grass and things they find in the yard).  He said "NO FOOD" for 12 hours and then only 1/2 cup of food for the next 12 hours, so my digestion tract could rest.  He put me on an antibiotic for 10 days, and said if I didn't improve in 2 days to come back in, (or if I started throwing up and had blood in my stool).  But by Saturday, everything was back to normal - YEA !!  Mom was pretty scared - and I was pretty hungry.  Imagine only 1/2 cup of food for 24 hours.  What was the guy trying to do - starve me !!!

I am now 8 months old and I weigh 51 pounds.   I am in the middle of the pack with my litter mates.  The largest is 52 pounds and the smallest is 50 pounds.  All of our moms are in contact with each other in a face book group, so they share information about us.

I graduated from my Adult Dog II class - OF COURSE!!  I was the best of the class.  Mom was so proud of me.  The first week of September I was enrolled in the Adult Dog Good Citizenship class.  Doesn't mom know that  #1: I was born in the USA, so I am already a citizen, and #2: I am always Good???

On the first day of class, was we were walking, the instructor noticed that I was favoring my right rear leg, below the knee.  She pointed it out to mom, and had mom look at the spot.  It hurt every time they touched it.  The next morning I had another trip to the vet.  The vet gave me another good going over, and luckily I hadn't broken any bone, but I had a good sprain.  It appears that I play too hard, running and jumping.  The vet put me on anti-inflammatory medication for 10 days and said to take it easy for a couple of days.  So mom and I weren't able to enjoy our long 30 minute early morning walks for 2 days, but I sure did enjoy laying around on my bed.  By the time training class rolled around I was back on my feet again.  Mom said I am just one vet bill after another!!!

One thing I do enjoy now that I am older is that I get to go out on more trips with mom and dad.  I have been to Fashion Place Mall, quite a few restaurants, several grocery stores, farmer's markets, banks, and shopping at stores with mom.  The world is opening up more and more for me.  Dad said that I am old enough to to go the movies with them, I can't wait!!

Hope your summer has been as exciting as mine, and your fur coat is coming in thick before the winter storms hit.  In the meantime, enjoy the cool evenings and the warm breezes of the autumn days.  And keep your tails wagging.  Until next post.....

Monday, August 5, 2013


Here is the latest photo of me and all my brothers and sisters.  I just couldn't wait to share this with everyone.   I am hoping that every 6 months we get a new photo to share so everyone can see how much we all have grown.

So - what do you think of us?

Monday, July 29, 2013

Going Out to a Restaurant

Mom and Dad have been teaching me a new command - UNDER.  I've been doing a pretty good job, so on Friday they decided to put me to a little test.  They had some errands to do, so I got to go along.  First stop, the post office, then we headed to Carl's Jr. for a quick lunch.  Here's a photo where I am "Under", (which means I wait patiently under the table, not eating anything off the floor, until mom and dad finish they are ready to leave).  It was a hot day and the cool tiles felt so good.  Lots of people told mom and dad that I was such a good dog.  Next we stopped at Peterson's Fresh Market for a couple of groceries.  The cashiers there are so friendly, they are real dog people!!  They all ask to pet me and dad always says yes, and tells them all about Canine Companions for Independence. Now that I'm 6 months old I'm going more places and seeing more things.  Life is becoming more exciting and the world is so much bigger.

Until next post, try to find a nice cool spot to curl up and take a nap.  And as always keep your tails wagging high.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Look what Mom and Dad got me !!

This week I turned 6 months old, and as a birthday present mom and dad got me a new ball and a new bed.  Life is sooo SWWEEET, (and comfy)!!!

Hope your staying cool during the dog days of summer.    Until next posting, keep wagging those tails high in the air.

Thursday, July 4, 2013


Hope you all have a HAPPY 4th of July.   Stay cool, and remember to protect your ears from the fireworks, (too much noise).   Don't eat too many hot dogs.  But most of all -  have fun, fun, and more fun.

Keep wagging those tails proudly !!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Puppy Class Graduation

Well I graduated from Puppy Class I.  My mom was so proud of me.  The instructor said I was so smart and so advanced on my commands, compared to the other puppies in our class.  Here is a photo of me receiving my diploma from the instructor.   Next week I start the Adult Dog 2 Training class.  Mom said that it will involve a lot more work on my distraction.  Don't worry mom - I am plenty distracted when I am walking and working....  oh, I'm supposed to ignore those distractions!! 

Well stayed tuned and see if I make it through this next set of classes.

In the meantime, keep your nose up and keep wagging those tails.

Monday, June 10, 2013

A Pool

When they said I was getting a swimming pool, somehow I envisioned something a little larger !!  Oh well - it sure does feel refreshing on these 100 degree days.      Hope your staying cool.       Until next time; find a shady spot, curl up for a nap, and stay cool.   Many wags to all.

Friday, May 31, 2013

New Happenings

Since my legs have shoot out from under me several things have changed around our house:


 My legs make me too big for the crate, so now when we go for car ride I no longer have to be inside the crate.  I get to ride in the back of the car like a big dog.
 This is so neat.  I get to look out the back and the side windows as mom drives down the street and see all the sights.
 Now if I could just figure out how to get the dog gate down so that I can get into the back seat and maybe make it into the front seat with mom.....


 Of course now that I no longer can fit into the crate, I have to sleep in the wire kennel at night.  That also means no more sleeping in mom and dad's bedroom at night.  I have to sleep in the living room like a big dog.  Sometimes it's gets a little lonely, but I just shut my eyes real tight and pretend that I'm still next to mom's side of the bed.


 Mom said that I'm getting too big for the bathtub at home, so now I have to go to the PetCo self service dog wash.  Here I am sitting inside the big tub.  It's kind of scary.  But mom talks to me the whole time and tells me I'm doing good, and keeps me calmed down.
 I definitely do NOT like the blower !!  But afterwards, I sure do smell good and look real fluffy.

Also, today mom took me out for my first solo outing to Wal-Mart.  It was real exciting.  We bought some vegetables and lots of moms and kids in the produce section petted me and told me I was a good puppy.  Mom gave the little kids treats to give me.  I liked that.  Mom said I did real good since I didn't jump up on anyone.  I wouldn't let mom know, but I was a little scared.  I stayed real close to mom and walked just the way she showed me.  And when she told me to sit I did.  I was a little scared and didn't know what to expect.  When we came home, I got on my bed and took a long nap.  I even dreamed about the trip to Wal-Mart and mom said that I barked in my sleep.

Mom says I will have lots more outings coming up and will get better with them.

Until next time, stay tuned and I will let you know how things are going.  Remember don't like and keep your tail wagging.

Monday, May 20, 2013

4 Months old

On May 9th, I turned 4 months old and my legs are really shooting out from under me.  I finally received my last set of shots from the vet, (yea!!), and I weighed in at 32.2 pounds.  I am almost as tall as Roudy, (and I can keep up with her when we are running and playing outside).

On Thursday I started puppy kindergarten class at Petco.  There are 3 in our class and I am so far ahead of the other 2 puppies - they don't know any commands and I already know all that we will be learning during the next 6 weeks.  Mom says I am so smart!!  The teacher is going to be working on my socialization, (I already think I'm very sociable with the other puppies), and distraction, (apparently I'm not supposed to be snooping in the aisles and visiting with people and other pets while mom's shopping). I was so tired after the first day of class that I came home and plopped down on my bed and went out for my afternoon nap.

Dad and I have learned a new game this week.  It's called "bring me the ball".  He throws my ball, I run as fast as I can, get the ball bring it back to him, then I get a treat and he's so happy to get the ball.  Sometimes, I watch what direction I think he's going to toss the ball and I get a little bit of a head start running to get to the ball, so I can get back quicker for my Charlie Bear treat.  A couple of times Dad tricked me and tossed the ball in a different direction - NOT fair!!  But not to worry, I will get him trained. 

In the meantime, keep wagging your tails and working on those commands.  Until next time -

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


On Thursday I went to the vet for my next set of shots, this time I weighed in at 25.2 pounds, (I've gained 8 pounds in 3 weeks). Mom told the vet I am a mean eating machine. The vet said that I am going to be very tall and long, but I am right on target for my weight. Mom rubbed my ears and distracted me, so the shot wasn't so bad this time. I still like the banana flavored medicine and especially the doggy treat afterwards.

While we were in the waiting room all the other dogs were barking and jumping all over the place, but I just stayed in my sit position. Mom was so proud of how well behaved I was. One lady said that she wished her 3 grown dogs were as good as me, (a little puppy). Mom just smiled.

When we got home, I made a fast move to the couch and fell asleep. I was so exhausted. Mom woke me up and told me that CCI puppies are not allowed to sleep in couches and it was lunch time anyways. Oh boy - food !!

So I ate lunch, and settle down in my playpen for my afternoon nap, in my favorite position, (on my back). These trips on the town are so exhausting on a girl.

I also have a new game I play with mom in the mornings. After she feeds me, I grab my metal bowl and run through the house making a lot of noise. Then when she comes to get the bowl, I run very fast to Roudy's bowl and gobble up as much of Roudy's food as I can before mom and run back to stop me. Pretty good game, huh!! Mom's starting to catch on and move Roudy's bowl BEFORE she comes to get my bowl, so now I've got to come up with a new game.

Well, gotta' keep those puppy raisers on their toes, and our tails wagging proud. Until next post, stay happy.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

3 Months Old

On Tuesday I turned 3 months old.  Wow the last month with mom and dad have really gone by FAST!!   I have learned the following commands:

Karlyn -  I will momentarily stop and look at whoever says my name
Kennel - This usually means I am getting my food, or a nap, - so I will go into the wire cage kennel during the day and the hard case kennel to sleep at night, (sometimes I'm not ready for my nap, but mom insists and says my eyes are getting droopy and I am acting silly).
Sit -  I do this very well, and I always wait patiently for whatever is going to happen next - usually a treat, (yea, I love my Charlie Bear treats)
Down -  Mom says I am spring loaded,  down means to lay on my tummy with all four paws down on the ground.  I will go down, but I usually spring right back up as soon as I can get my treat
Hurry -  this is the toileting command, and when I hear this, I know to squat, (I don't quite know why yet, but I do know that going to the bathroom when mom and dad say hurry sure makes them happy)
Shake - this command took me 4 days to learn.  My little paw was so shaky the first time I picked it up off the floor on my own, (but mom was so happy, she even gave me an extra Charlie Bear).  Sometimes, when I am doing my commands I will do a shake for her without being asked in hopes of getting an extra treat
Let's go -  this is the walk command, mom says I am a good little walker, (once I have gotten all my hurry business done)
Dress - this command means to put on the gentle leader, I am not real fond of the gentle leader, but I have learned to push my nose through the gentle leader harness for the tasty Charlie Bear.  Mom is so proud of me.  Mom says I only have to wear the gentle leader for 17 months and when I go off to college I will get to wear a flat collar lease, (man that's a long time)

I have learned to go to the door when I want out, but if mom and dad don't run fast enough we sometimes have 1 accident a day in the house, and it's usually in the late afternoon.   Mom says I will get better at these commands and learn lots more.  Mom grunts and little bit more each day when she picks me up, (she says I am getting heavier by the hour).  Dad says I am beginning to look like a pot-bellied piggie.

 As you can see, sometimes this kennel is NOT my favorite place to be.
And, I want to introduce you to my newest little friend.  This is Autumn.  She's mom's great granddaughter.  We are just the right size for each other and she laughs and giggles whenever she's playing with me.  She likes my velvety soft ears and my wet nose.  I like smelling her tiny little feet.  Sometimes it's a race between mom and me to see who can get to her dropped pacifier first.

Well, stay tuned for more adventures, and keep wagging your tails and learning your commands.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter

               Sending Happy Easter wishes out to all my peeps.

I am Growing

 Thursday I had my 2nd visit to the vet.   Everyone was so glad to see me again.  They couldn't believe that it had been 3 weeks since my last visit.  They all commented on how much I have grown.  And of course, all the girls showered me with hugs, pats, and kisses.
 This time the waiting room was busy and we had to wait a long time.  I finally found a nice warm spot and settled in for a short nap.  Everyone thinks I am such a good puppy.  Mom just laughs and says "that's because you don't have to chase her around the house all day"...
Then we went into the exam room, and they stripped me down to NOTHING !!  How embarrassing for a young lady.  They put me on the scales and I've gained 5 pounds in 3 weeks, I am now 17.8 pounds.  The vet said it was right on target.  He said eyes, ears, heart and lungs all were good.  Even gave me a treat.  The shot wasn't so good.  I still do NOT like that thing they stick up my backside!!!  But, that banana flavored medicine sure is tasty. 

The vet gave me a pat on the head and said to keep growing and he would see me in another 3 weeks.

My mom checked in with some of my brothers and sisters and I am in the middle of the pack "weight wise".  We range from 17 pounds to 19 pounds.

It was such a long morning, as soon as we got home, I ate my cup of puppy food and fell asleep for my afternoon nap.  Then I gave my sister Roudy a good rough play when I got up later in the afternoon.

Well - stay tune for more posting, and remember "don't nip, and hold your tails high"....

Monday, March 25, 2013

Frosty Paws

I truly love Sunday nights - that's when we get this delicious dessert called Frosty Paws.  Even though my nose gets so cold eating it - I LOVE IT !!     Who knew that something that tastes like vanilla ice cream could be so good.  Sometimes I even want to eat the cardboard container, (it's that good !!).

I wish it was Sunday night, every night.

So -  what special treats do you get at your house?

Leave me a post and let me know.

And remember, hold those tails high.

Friday, March 22, 2013

A Trip to the Vet

 This week mom took me to the vet, (he's my doctor).  She said I needed to get my files ready and see what shots I would need.  All the girls working in the clinic gave me hugs, scratched my ears, passed me around for kisses and lots of love.  When mom showed them that I already know the "Sit" command, they were so impressed.  They said that they have adult dogs that are not as well behaved as me, a little 9 week old puppy.  Mom was so proud of me.
First they weighed me -  12 pound 15 ounces,  not bad.  Ears - good, Eyes - good,  heart and lungs - good.   And guess what, I had already gotten my first set of shots before I left CCI @ Santa Rosa, so no shot until the end of the month, (YEA for me).  The vet and all the assistants proclaimed me EXCELLENT !!   (but I must admit I didn't like that thing they did to my rear end, looking for worms  :(  -  bad thing)...   Time to go home, and take a much needed nap. 

Stay tune and keep those tails wagging....

It Snowed !!

 WOW - this week we woke up to this new stuff outside.  I have never seen anything like it in my life!!  Mom can I go out and investigate???  Please, please, pretty please...
Wow - this stuff taste great.  In fact - it doesn't have any taste!!  Mom said it's call snow...  It's kind of cold and very wet, but not like rain.  I like this stuff.

Stay tune to see what other new things I discover....

Life in my NEW HOME !!

 Well I arrived in Salt Lake on Friday afternoon, (March 8th).  My mom could hear me barking long before they brought me out from the Delta cargo area.  She could tell that I missed my litter mates and I was going to be a feisty little girl.  They opened up the kennel pulled me out for everyone at the cargo area to see.  They all petted and said I was a good looking puppy.  Mom then cleaned me up, gave me some lunch and loaded me in her car.  I barked, and barked, and barked.  Finally she pulled over and put in the front seat on her coat.  I liked that, it felt so comfortable and so I quited down and enjoyed the rest of the ride home.  Here's me on mom's coat in the car.
 As soon as we got home, I met my other family members.  Here's me with my new big sister, Rowdy - (she's a Border Collie, and she's 13 years old).  I just love to chase the white tip of her tail, try to jump on her back and nip at her legs.  She doesn't seem to mind.  Whenever I get to be too much, she just rolls me over on my back and lets me know it's time to stop.  There's also an old cat - but she doesn't like me, (yet, we're working on that).  We also have a cockatiel bird.  She's so cool, I usually just ignore her.
Here's me and my mom.  I just love to give her puppy kisses and snuggle up to go to sleep in her arms.  Whenever things are hectic and I'm stressed, mom picks me up holds me and I just snuggle next to her and go right to sleep.  She says I have 4 important rules to remember:   1.)  I was born for an important job -  I'm going to be a CCI service dog and help someone some day.  2.)  Always remember all my commands that I learn, they are very important in my lift.  3.)  Don't lick - people don't like dogs that lick.  4.)  Always remember that no matter what, she'll always be my mom.   Wow, that a lot of rules for a little girl like me to remember.
Here's my Dad.  He's the fun one.  We like to take long walks to the park.  He also gave me a blue ball that I absolutely love, love, love.  Dad tosses the ball, I run and get it and bring it back to my bed.  It's my favorite toy.  I am so lucky that this house has so many toys for me.
Well -  as you can see, I'm really growing FAST.  Mom says I won't be a little puppy for very long.  We started working on commands the very first morning.  My days are very full with play, walks, learning commands, naps, and more playtime.

Stay tune for more posts.  And keep your tails wagging.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

I have ARRIVED !!

Hi !!  My name is Karlyn and I arrived in Salt Lake City on March 8, 2013.  I will spend the next 17 months with my new mom and dad learning all that it takes to become a Canine Companion for Independence service dog.  I know that I have an importance mission, but along the way I am sure I will also get into a lot of mischief.  My mom will be taking lots of photos and posting stories to share the adventures.  In the meantime, here is where my store begins:


 Here is my mom:  Kanga  Isn't she beautiful !! 


 Here's my dad: Luca.  He's very handsome!

I'm going to be going through the same program both my parents went through to become a CCI dog, so I can someday proudly wear the blue CCI  vest and help a handicap person.
 Here is the very first photo taken of my mom, me and my brothers and sisters on the very day we were born - January 9, 2013.  We were our mom's 1st every litter, and our breeder care take was so proud of us.
 Here we are at 1 week old - boy have we grown.  There I am on the end with the purple collar.  When CCI puppies are born they are immediately assigned a color before they are ever named.  That way all information recorded about our height, weight, feeding, etc. can be carefully tracked from the very 1st minute we are born.
 Here is my official photo at 3 weeks old, I now have a name to go along with my purple collar.  And I am getting very big.
 Here I am again at 6 weeks old, playing outside with my brothers and sisters.  My breeder care taker said I was thinking about what was laying ahead for me.  My mom and dad had just found out that I was coming to Salt Lake City to live with them.  They were getting so exciting and started to collect all these photos from my breeder care taker.  They were trying to find out all they could about me before I came to Salt Lake.
Here is a photo of my brothers and sisters and I at 7 weeks, all playing outside.  We just love this California sunshine and the puppy playground!!

 Here is the official 8 week photo of the family. 
And we are from left to right:
Koda  (Male -  now living in Chicago, Il)
Kashi  (Female - still living in Santa Rosa, Ca)
ME - Karlyn (Female - now living in Riverton, Ut)
Kolby (Male - now living in Seattle, Wa)
Kanue (Male - now living in Chicago, Il)
Kira (Female - now living in Southern Ca)
Here we are, all kenneled up and ready for the drive to CCI headquarters where we will be examined by the vet, given our first set of shot, tattooed with our official ear tag number, given a final bath and put on an airplane to our new moms and dad.  Boy are we every excited.  We are all going to different destinations across the United States, but hopefully in 18 months most of us will meet up again at graduation turn-in where we can exchange puppy tales.